E-course Magic

Amulets and talismans
Fighting the evil eye

Amulets in the Middle East

What is inside amulet containers? What is the significance of gemstones? You know that an amulet or charm protects, blesses and keeps the wearer safe…but how, exactly?? This course answers these and many other questions. For starters: did you know that almost every piece of jewellery carries hidden meaning? When you want to learn to read the symbolism in Middle Eastern jewellery, this is the course for you!

What does the evil eye bead mean? What does the colour blue symbolize in jewellery? What does the crescent moon represent?  And what is a horn charm? Find out in my best selling course!

read symbols in jewellery

All you need is 15 minutes

This is the easiest course ever to fit into your schedule. Honestly. No rushing, no squeezing in fixed course times. Watch and learn whenever it suits you. 

‘I would love to take a course, but when…?!’ Sound familiar? Our days fill up quickly, and so we are quick to skip those things we actually enjoy the most. I have designed this course with you in mind and created bite-sized episodes of 15 minutes. Scrolling online to find more on Islamic amulets and other charms takes up more time – and with less results. (Spoiler alert: each episode is packed with online references, so I’ve got that covered for you, too)

So this course is not another item on your to do-list. This course is the break you’ve been wanting!

All you need is 15 minutes and an Internet connection. You could be enjoying the first episode in 10 minutes from now….!

Gold nose ring with crescents, stars and a hand amulet, worn by the Bedouin of Palestine and Egypt, placed on an illustration of a Bedouin woman wearing a nose ring
charm, amulet and talisman

What will I learn?

Magic is so much more than just superstition or spells. First, a glimpse into the world of magic and jinn will show you how the belief in invisible powers is part of everyday life. Next, we go over the symbolism of colours, of shapes and forms, and of materials: think of triangles, horns and thorns, hands and eyes, and much much more. We will observe the magic of the skies, and of course we will also delve into the magic of the written word, see how numbers carry meaning, and how both can be combined to form a powerful spell. Finally, I will show you how to read the layered meaning in jewellery: it builds upon all of these capacities, and it tells us about the women that wore these jewellery items. You will see your jewellery in a whole new light!

Just a short note to congratulate you again for your great contribution by putting together the course on Silver. The first class was fantastic, with a wealth of information all put together very nicely… easy to follow and  learn from. Being an Amazigh man, the Magic-class reminds me of several occasions where the subjects of this class were actually witnessed or even experienced.

Mustafa Salem


about me

Your instructor

All classes are researched, prepared and taught by Sigrid van Roode. I have been presenting classes, courses, workshops and jewellery talks for over 25 years now. I am the author of several books on jewellery, and currently doing a PhD on jewellery and ritual in Egypt. My goal is to present academic level research in an accessible, fun and easy to follow style. I believe jewellery is not just adornment, but an important historic source that tells us so much about the lives of women – and I’ll be showing you in how many ways that works!

Sigrid van Roode, wearing an emerald dress, presenting a talk on symbolism of the hand in jewellery from the Middle East and North Africa
magic of ethnic  jewellery

Extra’s with the Amulets course

E-book package

With this prerecorded lecture series, you will receive 8 full-colour e-books on amulets, charms and symbolism in ethnic jewellery. These contain not only the course material, but also present you with book recommendations, online reading material and additional images. The e-books are yours to download and keep: your own magical library!

Online community

You will have access to our private online community on Facebook. Here, you will be able to get any questions answered and enjoy the world of jewellery with other course participants from around the globe – with as many angles, comparisons and personal stories to share!

This course is definitely for you when:

  • you are interested in jewellery and dress from North Africa and Southwest Asia, and in the many traditions and cultures of the region;
  • you work with dress and adornment from the region as curator, designer, dancer, instructor or collector;
  • you inherited jewellery and would like to learn more about its background;
  • you are interested in symbolism, magic and jinn;
  • you have lived or are living in the region as an expat and would like to understand more about its history and culture;
  • you are curious to look beyond your own culture or country;
  • you care about jewellery and cherish jewellery items as the heritage pieces they are.